Pawpaw Fruit in the Garden and the Kitchen

Pawpaw Fruit in the Garden and the Kitchen

Known primarily for its large, custard-like fruit, the pawpaw is also an attractive native plant for the landscape. The pawpaw is indigenous to eastern North America and, in its native habitat, grows in wooded areas as an understory tree. Pawpaws serve as host plants for 

Preserving and Cooking With the Horseradish Harvest

Horseradish (Armoracia rusticanais) is a perennial vegetable grown in Pennsylvania. While the leaves are edible, it is grown for its pungent roots. Generally, horseradish is planted in early spring and harvested in late fall after a frost sweetens the roots. The roots are prepared and 

Growing, Harvesting, and Preserving Herbs

Herbs are easy to grow and rarely damaged by diseases or insects. A few short rows in a vegetable or flower garden will provide an adequate supply of herbs for the average family. Herbs are easily preserved and stored up to a year for future 

Hairy Bittercress – A Winter Annual Weed to Watch

Hairy Bittercress – A Winter Annual Weed to Watch

Beginning in early fall and throughout the warmer days of winter, I wander through my garden planning for spring and looking for weeds to pull. Summer annual weeds die with the first frost. Many perennial and biennial weeds have gone dormant. But you will find 

Basil, A Summer Favorite

Basil, A Summer Favorite

Basil is a favorite herb to grow every summer. Basil tastes great in Italian dishes and is a key ingredient in many other ethnic cuisines. I use it to make homemade pesto sauce for pasta, and I love it in summer sandwiches in place of 

How to grow better, bigger tomatoes

As we approach the midpoint of the tomato growing season, let’s review some steps you can take to keep your plants healthy and productive. Many common tomato diseases are fungal and soil-borne. They include early blight, Septoria leaf spot, late blight, anthracnose fruit rot and 

Make tomatoes last by preserving

The tomato is a much-loved and incredibly versatile fruit. Tomatoes are simply delicious eaten warm off the vine or chopped or sliced for salad, gazpacho or salsa. A bit more effort yields the freshest pasta sauce, savory tarts and soups redolent with its summery flavor. 

Now is the time to plant tomato seedlings

Warmer soil temperatures in late May are perfect for tomato seedlings, but keep an eye on the thermometer. Frost will kill them and blossom drop will occur if nighttime temperatures dip below 55 degrees or rise above 75 degrees. Generally, Memorial Day is a reliable 

How to grow tomatoes from seed

Seed catalogs are brimming with varieties of tomatoes, many more than you’ll find as seedlings this spring at local nurseries and garden centers. Growing tomatoes from seed requires a bit more work, but with minimal investment, you’ll have healthy seedlings ready to transplant on Memorial 

Picking right tomato for your summer garden

Although the snow is blowing, it’s not too early to plan your summer tomato garden. Review catalog offerings, seek out reviews from fellow gardeners and consider which ones performed well last season. Select cultivars you’ll enjoy eating fresh and preserving. Since tomatoes are heat-lovers, don’t